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Improving Social Media Searches Seminar Google Tools for Keywords by ASU SBTDC

The Arkansas State University Small Business and Technology Development Center will be conducting a workshop Tuesday, April 13th from 1-4 pm at the ASU Technical Center (5504 Krueger Drive) in Jonesboro on how to use Google Tools and Alerts for Keywords. 

Potential customers are searching for information about your business, your products & services, and about you.  Are you there to meet them?  If not your competition is.  This 3 hour hands on workshop will show attendees how to improve their search engine potential and move ahead of the competition by learning the keywords that their potential customers are using to try to find out about them.  At the workshop attendees will improve their ability to "get found" on search engines, learn the keywords that are being used and where to place them for their websites and social media networks.

 Co-sponsored by the Jonesboro Regional Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Jonesboro Association, East Arkansas Planning & Development District, First Security Bank, Liberty Bank of Arkansas and Simmons first Bank.

Registration is $35 per person ($25 for Chamber & DJA members, $20 for ASU Faculty, Staff and students

To register call the ASU SBTDC at (870) 972-3517, e-mail at asusbtdc@astate.edu on line registration http://asbtdc.ualr.edu/training/jonesboro.asp

Seating limited to 19 attendees register today


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