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Board of Trustees Selects Three Candidates for Interview

The Arkansas State University Board of Trustees today continued its search for a new president by selecting three individuals to invite for interviews.


Following an executive session during which the trustees reviewed all 20 applicants for the position, they voted to interview:


-- Dr. Richard J. Federinko of Dadeville, Ala., senior vice chancellor at Troy University. 


-- Dr. William B. Richardson Jr. of Baton Rouge, La., chancellor of the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, and Chalkley Family Endowed Chair.

-- Dr. Charles L. (Chuck) Welch of Arkadelphia, president of Henderson State University.


The Board of Trustees agreed to meet Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 8-9, at the ASU System Office, to conduct the interviews.  Details of the schedule for the two days will be announced.  The Presidential Search Advisory Committee also will be involved in the interview process.


Mrs. Florine Tousant Milligan, Board chair and Presidential Search Advisory Committee chair, said the trustees had discussed the applications thoroughly, and  she has been very pleased with the search process thus far.  Trustee Mike Gibson of Osceola publicly commended Mrs. Milligan for her diligence and hard work in providing leadership for the advisory committee.


Dr. Robert L. Potts, who came to ASU-Jonesboro as chancellor in November 2006, was selected by the Board to serve as interim president beginning on July 1.  His appointment followed the resignation of Dr. Les Wyatt, who had served as president for 15 years.


The ASU Presidential Search website, http://presidentialsearch.asusystem.edu, includes the application and nomination procedures, a description of the ASU System, the position announcement, and a list of qualifications and characteristics desired in the new president.

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