Last month Facebook announced reaching the 500 million mark worldwide. In the US, more than 4 out of every 10 Americans are logging in on Facebook. And…small businesses across the country have been quick to capitalize on this unique opportunity to market their products or services to potential customers with Facebook pages.I decided to find out whether Arkies “LIKE” Facebook in sufficient numbers to make it worth a small business owner’s time. The numbers indicate…YES, especially if your target market is between 20 and 54 years of age. Almost 1 out of every 3 people you meet in “The Natural State” is logging on to Facebook. Some other stats:· Over half of all Facebook Users log on daily to share with friends, family and businesses· The AVERAGE Facebook user spend just under 5 hours daily on Facebook· The Average Facebook user has 130 friends to share information with· The FASTEST growing demographic segment: Over 55 years old!No question… small businesses customers are using Facebook and so are many businesses as a low-cost way to connect with people in their trade zone who want to know more about their business, their products and services. If your business is not using Facebook and you want to learn more, the Arkansas State University Small Business and Technology Development Center will be offering a 3 hour seminar Thursday, October 7th from 6-9 pm at the ASU Technical Center, 5504 Krueger Drive in Jonesboro. Read More of this article or contact the ASU SBTDC for more information about this coming seminar at (870) 972-3517 or e-mail us at, register on line Or visit our Facebook page Join the more than 700,000 businesses and organizations involved in this Social Media giant.