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ASU Small Business and Technology Development Center offers trade show marketing seminar

The Arkansas State University Small Business and Technology Development Center (SBTDC), Jonesboro Regional Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Jonesboro Association (DJA) will host a workshop on trade show marketing, Tuesday, October 5, in the ASU Delta Center for Economic Development, Room 110, 319 University Loop West, from 1-4 pm.The seminar, conducted by Ken Abernathy of Big Hats Consulting, will help attendees to create or improve existing trade show marketing efforts. "Trade show marketing is often overlooked as an effective tool to reach target customers." said Herb Lawrence, ASU SBTDC director. "This workshop provides helpful tips, tools and techniques that will allow attendees to create an effective, professional trade show look that stands out from other exhibitors."Registration is $40 per attendee ($30 for Jonesboro Regional Chamber and Downtown Jonesboro Association members, $20 for ASU faculty, staff or students). For more information or to register for the seminar, contact the Arkansas State University Small Business and Technology Development Center at (870) 972-3517, email asusbtdc@astate.edu, register on line at http://asbtdc.ualr.edu/training/jonesboro.asp or "fan" the ASU SBTDC on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/asu.sbtdc.The seminar is co-sponsored by the Jonesboro Regional Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Jonesboro Association, East Arkansas Planning and Development District, First Security Bank, Liberty Bank of Arkansas and Simmons First Bank.

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