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Presidential Search Advisory Committee meets

The Arkansas State University Presidential Search Advisory Committee met Thursday, Aug. 26, to discuss and review the findings from the various listening sessions that have been held over the past two weeks, and to review printed and website materials that have been prepared for use during the search.

Mrs. Florine Tousant Milligan, chair of the committee and chair of the ASU Board of Trustees, introduced the four individuals who have been selected by their faculty peers at their respective campuses to serve as faculty delegates to the committee. They are Dr. Beverly Boals Gilbert, president of the Faculty Association at ASU-Jonesboro; Ms. Leslie Thurman, president of the Faculty Senate at ASU-Beebe; Ms. Jessica Clanton, president of the Faculty Association at ASU-Mountain Home; and Ms. Betsy Ashcraft, past president of the Faculty Association at ASU-Newport.

Draft website information and an institutional profile were distributed to the committee members for their review and comments, with updates and edits to be submitted and finalized early this week. The website went live today, Aug. 30, at http://presidentialsearch.asusystem.edu. An advertisement in The Chronicle of Higher Education, which will include the website address, will be published in the Sept. 3 edition.

The website includes the institutional profile, the position announcement, a job description, preferred qualifications, characteristics desired, the search advisory committee members, the consultant biography, a timeline, and a news and announcements page.

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