Traci Brewington and Megan McCarthy are Mother-Daughter Look-Alike Finalists! Apr 15, 2014 Congratulations to Traci Brewington and Megan McCarthy! They are finalists in Jonesboro Occasions and Jonesboro.com’s annual Mother-Daughter Look-Alike Photo Contest, and they are counting on your votes to win!
A big thank you to everyone who submitted a photo to our second-annual Mother-Daughter Look-Alike Photo Contest.We really loved getting to see so many photos of so many lovely local ladies. It was very difficult to narrow down the submissions, but after careful consideration, we decided on these 10 mother-daughter look-alikes; from here on, it’s up to you! Each of the 10 photos will have its own post on Jonesboro.com. On the bottom of each mother-daughter post, there is a place to rate it between one and five stars. Look carefully through all 10 submissions and rate them according to which mother and daughter(s) you think looks the most alike. The winners will be determined by the average star score.
The deadline to vote for the best mother-daughter look-alike is 5 p.m. on Monday, April 21. The winners will be published in the May issue of Occasions in honor of Mother’s Day, and they can look forward to fun prizes from Bennett's Flowers and Gifts, Jonesboro Detail, Body Indulgence, B. Marie Salon, Local Culture, Sue's Kitchen, Jonesboro Occasions and more.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 870.931.0012, email us at ahanes@jonesborooccasions.com, post it on our Facebook page (Jonesboro Occasions) or tweet it to us @JboroOccasions.
Thanks so much, and good luck to all our finalists!
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