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Little Hands Remember the Meaning of Christmas It doesn't really matter who is currently reading this, I am pretty certain that your current schedule is looking a lot like mine. The holidays have been insane this year. I thought last year was a bit off with me being so sick from a new pregnancy, but adding in the baby has been way more crazy. Then, on top of that, you have the normal holiday events, sprinkled with all the other things you've heaped on top of those. I had a post half-written two weeks ago about the Truth in the Tinsel ebook. An adorable little advent for preschool aged children that goes through the story of advent starting in Isaiah with a little paper chain link and corresponding ornament each day. Guess what. We're about 7 days behind on that, and that was after a Saturday catch up when we made 5 or 6 of them. I also had a post last week started about special ornaments on our tree like the keys to our first apartment and old house, or the glass balls with the girls' newborn hats they wore when first born inside. But those weren't finished because the baby started crying or the bigger girls needed me or whatever. Also, there's the letters to Santa, visits and pictures with Santa, all the good deeds like making cookies for neighbors, and then that Elf on the Shelf stuff on top of it all. Why, oh why, did we add an extra elf that had to be moved each night when you're dead tired and all you want is to sleep?? So, breathe. Stop. Inhale and exhale deeply. It's almost the Winter Solstice, and with it, is my permission to stop everything, go slowly, and breathe in all that Christmas means. Really means, because it isn't the gifts or the family visits or the parties. Christ came to be with us. With. Us. Emmanuel. If you mess up every advent cutesy activity, skip wrapping and stuff every gift in a bag, and fail miserably with all the "extras" this holiday season, you have still won if you remember Christ. If you and your kids don't get a chance to go carol at the nursing home, but you manage to hug your children close each night and smile at passing strangers in the midst of the crazy crowds, you've got it. Let's drop all the insanity and slow down. Put down our phones and social media accounts, and pick up a copy of the Christmas Carol or a children's Christmas book. Let's turn off the TV's and turn on some music, to turn our eyes from something to someone. We can do it, and I promise you, not one of us will regret it. Until next time, Heather [+] add comment |