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Contributor: admin subscribe to my stories |
Little Hands' Picture Books Is everyone enjoying this amazing weather? The last few mornings of temps in the 70s have been positively perfect, and we spend every moment outside! So, books are a big deal in this house. It's the only thing that we do not get rid of or grow out of. We pass down tons of clothes, toys, and whatnot, but books? They'll stay forever ... or until they're destroyed, at least. Their favorite books though? Picture books made online. You can make them with your pictures on my sites, including Walmart's and Shutterfly's. I made one of pictures of me and my husband before the girls were born with captions telling the story of our love story. I have one I made recently about the joys of having a sister with pictures of the girls from Story's birth on. We plan one each time we go on a family vacation to remember all the pictures and funny memories. It's such a simple thing to do with the software the websites have, and usually pretty inexpensive. I'm a big advocate of lots of pictures and remembering special moments, and these books are a fun way to do it. Most people don't know about them, however, or remember them, then see ours and go on about how great of an idea they are, so I thought I'd share with you all today. Anytime we can turn the attention of children from glowing screens to books, I think we should.
Until next time,
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