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Little Hands Make Simmer Jars for Christmas Can you believe it's so close to Christmas?! I'm so glad we have all of our shopping done and can just enjoy the holiday. I do have a few gifts left to make, however. Out of all the easy homemade gifts, my favorite, I've recently decided, is the Simmer Jar! I almost always have stove top potpourri on, but it never occurred to me to jar it and give it as a gift until Pinterest. Every year, there are a few people on my list that leave me absolutely blank when trying to think of a gift idea for them. This year, I've decided to do some cookies in a jar, and simmer pot potpourri in another. To make them, you can buy some mason jars, or use re purposed jelly or whatever jars. Then you put in the ingredients and fill to the top with water. I have to be honest, as usual, I didn't measure anything in my jar. I threw in the peeling from an entire orange, three half cinnamon sticks, about a teaspoon of pure vanilla extract, then some ginger, cloves, nutmeg, and some more cinnamon. Then I filled it with water. You simply pour the contents of the jar into a pot, bring to a boil, then reduce to simmer. Then add water as needed, which usually is about every 30 minutes or so. I printed out the instructions in Word to tape on for the recipients too. London really got to help in this too, which she liked. She got to shove in all the orange peelings, cinnamon sticks, and (since I never measure anyway) shake in the seasonings. It will be fun when we give them and she gets to say she helped make them.
Until next time,
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