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The Cardiologist's Wife's Tips to Improve Your Health
May 25, 2011

What could you do today, right now even, that would improve your health? Think about that question for a minute. The answers are endless. Some are universal answers but some would pertain to individuals. Some would cost nothing, others might have a hefty price tag. Some ideas involve little effort but others are filled with sweat. I challenge you to write down 10 things you could do right now or today that would have a positive impact on your health.

So, did you think of 10 things? If you had trouble (and even if you didn’t), here are some ideas:
*Drink a glass of water instead of a soft drink.
*Smoke one less cigarette today and every day until you quit.
*Take a walk.
*Call the doctor and schedule that overdue appointment for a dental cleaning/checkup, eye exam, physical, etc.
*Eat at least one fruit today.
*Start flossing regularly.
*Give up something you know is bad for you - chips, ice cream, sodas, etc.
*Eat a vegetable with dinner (not potatoes).
*Go to a gym or fitness club and sign up.
*Go to bed early and get more sleep.
*Learn portion control so you won’t overeat.
*Start riding a bike again.
*Spend some quality time with your friends and family, especially laughing with them. It’s good for your mental health.
*Spend time with your pet. Also good for mental health.
*Eat breakfast and don’t skip meals in general.
*Do some simple stretches every morning when you wake up.

I guess I could go on but hopefully you get the idea and found some inspiration. Sometimes little things can have a bigger impact than you think. For instance, bacteria could enter your bloodstream from gum disease in your mouth and infect the lining of your heart. So it pays to floss and brush your teeth properly every day. We often don’t think of mental health but stress, anger and depression can take a toll on your physical health as well. People often think changes in their lifestyle to improve their health are too hard and they don’t even try. But how hard is it to drink a glass of water or eat a piece of fruit? You aren’t going to break a sweat by going to bed even 10 minutes earlier but your body will thank you for the smallest of efforts. Once these become habits, you can add other things that are good for you.

So spend a few minutes and pick a few things you can do every day to improve your health. The payoff could be big!

Until next week,

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