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Make Home Shopping Easier! For a first time homebuyer, the process ofpurchasing a home is usually both exciting and confusing at the same time. Attimes, the process can seem a bit overwhelming and you may feel like you are inthe middle of a whirlwind. With the help of askilled real estate agent and by keeping a fewimportant things in mind, however, you can be certain to have a greatexperience and to find the home of your dreams. To that end, here is a look ata few of the things you can expect as a first time homebuyer, as well as a fewtips to make the process easier on you as well as your agent.
Committingthe Time If you are certain you are ready to purchase ahome at this time, you should be able to find the right home within a couple ofweeks. If it takes longer than a couple of weeks, chances are that you aren’treally committed to purchasing a home or you have very specific needs and wantsthat can’t be met by the houses that are currently available. If this isn’t thecase, then you might need to find a new agent, as a good agent will listen toyour needs and should only be showing homes to you that fit within yourparameters. Viewingthe Homes While it is certainly possible to view dozensof homes while conducting your search, most buyers do not see more than 20 or30 homes before they make a purchase. Furthermore, most will not show more than7 homes in a day, as seeing more than 7 homes within such a short timeframe canmake it difficult for you to keep each home straight in your mind. BuyIt When You Find It Some homebuyers exhaust themselves by lookingat several more homes even after they find the “perfect” home that is pricedjust right. Don’t put yourself through this added aggravation. Once you findthe home that is right for you, make an offer. Otherwise, you will likely wasteyour time looking at several other houses, only to return to the one that youknew you loved in the first place. KeepRecords Whether you look at one house per day or 7, itis easy to get the homes confused over time. Therefore, it is a good idea totake notes at each home you visit. Be sure to write down any unusual featuresthat the home has as well as the colors and design elements that really standout to you. You should also take notes regarding the outside of the home,including information about the homes or other structures that are located nextdoor. When visiting homes, it is always a good ideato bring a digital camera with you as well. This way, you can take numerousphotos of the homes, which will make it easier for you to go back and comparethem to each other later. RevisitYour Top Choices After you have narrowed down your options tothose homes that you liked the most, ask your agent to take you back so you canview them again. Be sure to pay attention to those features that you might haveoverlooked the first time around so you can more effectively determine whichhouse is the right one for you. - JohnLimbocker, Internet Marketer, [+] add comment |