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The Visit

Apr 16th, 2011 @ 7:30 pm < Previous Page

A tragicomedy by Friedrich Durrenmatt

adapted by Maurice Valency

April 15, 16, 19, 20 at 7:30  Admission: $8.00 in advance / $10.00 at the door

A consummate, alarming Durrenmatt blend of hilarity, horror, and vertigo.  The play takes place “somewhere in Central Europe” and tells of an elderly millionairess who, merely on the promise of her millions, swiftly turns a depressed area into a boom town.  But the condition attached to her largesse, which the locals learn of only after they are enmeshed, is murder. Durrenmatt has fashioned a macabre and entertaining parable that is a scathing indictment of the power of greed.

“Durrenmatt has wicked sense of the ridiculous…He combines laughter with a moralist’s outrage at the evil of money and power.  He combines a poetic sense of irony with abrasive Brechtian social criticism.” – The Record

directed by : Tim Bohn